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Parent Involvement

At Tarwin Lower Primary School, we have a tradition of parent participation in, and support for, a wide variety of school activities.


We, as teachers, believe in sharing the responsibility for your child’s continuing education and development, and invite you to become involved in as many aspects of school life as possible. We trust that through your interest and participation that you will come to feel very much a part of our school and its community. 


Our school is a Child Safe organisation in which we protect students from all forms of abuse. Therefore, ALL adults who enter the school (volunteers, tradesman, workers) require a Working With Children Check. These are free for volunteers. All adults working/volunteering at the school must first have an induction. Thank you for understanding our commitment to ensuring we have a safe place for children to laugh, play and learn.


You can be involved in the following ways;


  • Listening to students read

  • School Council

  • Preparing & serving Friday Lunch Orders

  • Excursions – when parent helpers are required

  • Fundraising

  • Volunteering time to work in our gardens

  • School Concert/Presentation night - set up and pack up, supper etc.

  • Kitchen Garden Program - planting, weeding, mulching, weekend/holiday watering, cooking with produce etc.

  • Helping in the library

  • Joining the Parent and Friends group

  • Dress-up parades - bring a camera!


Child Safety and Protection

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