We operate three classrooms with small class sizes which benefits all students.
* Foundation/1
Collaboration is a key feature of learning in the P/1 classroom. Students are heavily supported as they transition to life at school and develop their love of learning. Students are encouraged to manage themselves and their belongings to assist in growing independence. Students in the junior years are taught their letter sounds using the engaging and interactive ‘Jolly Phonics’ and ‘Soundwaves’ programs and writing is taught following ‘The Big Write’ program. Both of which are collaborative in nature and allow the students to talk which aides with their growing understandings. Maths is hands on learning and is heavily focussed upon Number. This builds a solid foundation for future maths learning. Students are taught a new Topics area each term. This focusses on history, civics and citizenship or science, and encourages students to become more aware of the world around them. The 4 R’s (Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships) lessons encourages students to develop their own ability to bounce back, to be themselves and to be respectful of others despite their culture, gender or abilities. Students access ICT via the Interactive Promethean screen for group learning and use the tablets for individual and small group learning, where they access ‘Reading Eggs’ and ‘Mathletics’. They also receive a weekly ICT lesson which is based upon Cyber Safety and Coding. Students also participate in weekly Physical Education, Art, Music, Indonesian and Gardening lessons.
Prep Transition Program
P/1 Term Letter
P/1 Timetable
* Grade 2/3
Text content to come...
2/3 Term Letter
2/3 Timetable
* Grade 4/5/6
Text content to come...
2/3 Term Letter
2/3 Timetable