Personal Relationships
A small school does not inhibit personal interaction, rather it encourages it. We have strong support from parents and community members. All school staff, parents and students know each other well, leading to a strong sense of identification and belonging.
Students are the centre of the school. The low pupil-teacher ratios allow for individualised instruction and more attention given to students. Morale and leadership among students tends to be higher in small schools as there are fewer students to be leaders. Hence, students are generally exposed to more opportunity to develop leadership skills in a greater diversity of situations. Often, literally everyone must participate in order to make a project a success. This promotes among students a sense of belonging, of pride in their community, their school and themselves. As a result, students are likely to have better attitudes toward school, each other and are less likely to create discipline problems.
Our teachers know their students as individuals and are familiar with the family backgrounds from which they come. This enables teachers to make special provisions for individual needs and talents. Students in small schools also interact more frequently and informally with the teachers. Teachers have high expectations from their students because they know them well and care about what happens to them. Teachers have regular contact with parents and understand them as an important element in student success.